Free Boats

Little over half finished cedar strip boat. FREE.

Little over half finished cedar strip boat. FREE.

I bought a house-shop and this boat was in the partially finished state in the shop. I have no time to finish it, nor do I have a use for it if it was finished.

It is designed to be like a freighter canoe in that it needs to be covered with waterproofing. The original builder was going to use canvas filled and painted like a canoe. One could use a variety of other ways to do this.

The point that I want to make sure anyone interested knows is that it will not be a waterproof boat, as built like the old Peterborough type of yesterday. I’m happy to give it to anyone who can take it away and make any use of it. There is some uninstalled cedar planking with it but decks and seats will need to be made.


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