Power Boats


PNW original now on the market! Built in 1941 by the US Gov for Alaska service and converted to private yacht in 1967 GYRFALCON is ready to go cruising now. More information available upon request.


33' Friendship Sloop, #64, "Amicitia"

33' Friendship Sloop, #64, "Amicitia", LOA 42', designed by John Alden, built by Lash Bros. in 1965, cedar/oak; major refit by Jim Elk in 2016 incl new mast; continued upgrades by Triad Boatworks; Yanmar 24-hp. Full headroom, well found. In my ownership for the past 50 yrs.

Belize rowboat

Builder Name:
Gardiner MacDermot

Built at our winter home in Belize from local woods:  Honduras mahogany for frames, stringers, etc; Spanish cedar for the planks.  

Power Boats

1966 Lyman Utility 19.5 FOR SALE

Located in CT. Recent restoration (2022-2023). Work included stem replacement and repairs, rib replacements and repairs, planking replacement and repairs, all new deck framing and decks, new windscreen structure, new seats, bulkhead, electrical, all new finishes.

Power Boats

Adorable One-of-a-kind 18' Runabout / Picnic Boat

Built in 1991 by a local CT River boatbuilder, Henry Thorpe, this Wittholz Downeaster 18 Runabout is a darling, responsive little boat perfect for calm bays or lakes. The boat has only had three owners (including North Cove Sailing Services).

Atkin designed skiff, ‘twenty-two feet of simplicity and practicability’.

Builder Name:
Bill Smith, Jr. and Bill Smith, III

ARTEMIS is a John Atkin design, (#772 Wanderer), that my father started building in 1957 and I finished and launched here in VT in 2005. Well, finished is not correct as I am still working on her, and re-fitting her for her 20th anniversary on the water next year.  


RANDOM Hurricane 30

Year Built:

RANDOM was built in 1949 in Sausalito, CA by Nunes Bros Boatyard. She was hull #7 of 17 of the Hurricane 30 class yachts built in the 40s and 50s. 


Year Built:

ARTEMIS is a John Atkin design, (#772 Wanderer), that my father started building in 1957 and I finished and launched here in VT in 2005. Well, finished is not correct as I am still working on her, and re-fitting her for her 20th anniversary on the water next year.  


24' Peter van Dine Tancook Whaler

One of a couple dozen built in the 1970’s. Featured in Fourth Book of Good Boats. Fiberglass hull, wood deck and cabin sides. Lovingly restored and improved over the last 20 years.