Cool Change
A four year project. Built stitch and glue using Meranti Marine Plywood. Powered by a Honda 90 Four Stroke.
This section of our web site, an extension of the Launchings department of WoodenBoat magazine, is dedicated to sharing news of recently launched wooden boats built or restored by our readers. If you’ve launched a boat within the past year, please email us at, or post your news here.
(All posts are subject to approval and editing before being made live.)
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A four year project. Built stitch and glue using Meranti Marine Plywood. Powered by a Honda 90 Four Stroke.
Rex and Kathie Payne of Spring Hill, Florida, just launched an 18′ No Man’s Land boat based on the plans that Howard Chapelle documented of an 1882 No Man’s Land boat built by Beetle, Inc., and published in his book, American Small Sailing Craft.
David Calloway wrote that a couple of years ago, he was infected with the boatbuilding bug. He spent many enjoyable hours looking for boats to build on the internet before he decided on Jim Michalak's QT design.
Last August, on Lake Erie, in Erie, Pennsylvania, Carl Longnecker launched his new 15′ Chester Yawl, built from a kit by Chesapeake Light Craft. The boat is stitch-and-glue construction.
40′ on deck and 49′ with bow sprit, S.Y. RAVENSONG was built by Denis Brown in Ventura California and launched in 1934. Her hull is 38mm thick, single stripped plank construction of Californian Red Cedar from the giant redwood forests. Mast and spars are Canadian Oregon and Canadian Spruce.
I fell in love with the Biscayne Bay 14 when I first came to Woodenboat School 30 years ago. Life intervened, and it took nearly 30 years before I built a boat from the plans I bought way back when. She is largely built according to the how-to articles in WoodenBoat issues 96-98.
Glenn and Judy Barnwell found this Marisol Skiff for sale on the internet. They drove up to Massachusetts from their home in Pine Mountain, Georgia, turned around and drove her all the way back to Georgia. JUDY BEE is a Marisol Skiff built by Robert B.
When Mike Morris and Matt FitzGibbon discovered they both had a desire to build a boat, they decided to build one together. Using Canoe Craft by Ted Moores and The Stripper's Guide to Canoe Building by David Hazen, they constructed a 16' strip-built Abenaki model covered in Hazen's book.
In June 2011, Richard Van Voris, the boatman for the Tabor Academy crew in Marion, Massachusetts, launched a 27′ x12″ single scull designed by Graeme King. Richard built the hull from 1/8″ red cedar strips , reinforced with carbon fiber, and covered with epoxy.
Willy Hampton says the homeport for his new modified Rozinante yawl is Earth, but he sails out of Portsmouth, Rhode Island. Doug Hylan ( reworked the L.F.
Absolutely mint condition breech loading yacht signal salute cannon by R H Brown & Co.
28ft classic pinnace 1798 pattern wooden boat.