Dad's Wake

  • Sailing skiff
  • Length: 15′
  • Beam: 5′
  • Designer: Warren Jordan. Builder: Ray Oatley. Owner: Ray Oatley. Photographer: Sandi Oatley
  • Launched: May 19, 2018
  • Place of use: East coast.
  • Made with okoume plywood for hull on fir frames. Thwarts, breasthook, knees, gunwales and transom of red oak. Mast of Douglas fir. Sail made by Dabler Sails.
  • 76 Pinehurst Drive, Washington, NJ 07882. 908-619-0336

Inspired by his father’s love for woodworking and sailing, Ray Oatley built this boat using plans designed by Warren Jordan. Ray began building this 15 foot long, 5′ beam, sailing skiff 11 years ago using okoume plywood for the hull on fir frames. The thwarts, breast-hook, knees, gunwales, and transom were made using red oak. Douglas fir was used to make the mast. Credit for the sail is given to Dabler Sails. As it is prone to happen, life often got in the way and the boat was finally completed and launched on May 19, 2018. The significance of the day being his father’s birthday, and in whose memory the boat, Dad’s Wake, was named and built. Future plans include sailing along the east coast, wherever the boat can be towed and launched.

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