After having some uneasy rows on the Strait of Georgia, I decided that a self-bailing sliding seat boat was required. I volunteered at the Coastal Rowing championships in 2018 and decided the coastal rowboat would be perfect. I designed Salish using Freeship and printed full size stations to be cut from plywood. This is the second prototype, the first was higher volume and too big for me.I am very pleased with this one, it is fast, stable and at 68 pounds I can single hand it onto the roof of my van.She was made of 3/16 inch red cedar strips, with 4 oz cloth and Entropy resin. There are three waterproof bulkheads inside the hull, and the fore deck has a large hatch so the boat could be used for touring.I recently completed a capsize and recovery and it was surprising how hard it was to fall out, and she could be re-boarded easily from the stern.