Sailboats - Cruising


The Eider is a wonderful 17′ 3″ cabin sailboat. It is a great step up in size and function from the 15′ Nancy's China.

Her small cabin has good room to sleep two with a bit of extra space for gear to be stowed and not have to be moved out of the cabin when the sleeping bags are unrolled.

The self-bailing cockpit allows her to live on her mooring throughout our rainy spring and fall (and all-to-often our northwest summers as well).

The kit is assembled inverted over a computer-cut construction frame that indexes the bulkheads at the proper spacing, paralllel, axially-aligned and level. The hull panels are joined end-to-end with our engineered puzzle splices, avoiding the need for fiddly and difficult-to-align scarphing. From this sturdy foundation, you can be sure that you can build an accurate boat.

From the Community

Register of Wooden Boats

Register of Wooden Boats


THE SHEIK received trophies for Best Race Boat and the Judges’ Choice award at the ACBS Chesapeak

Register of Wooden Boats


Wianno Senior sail # 168 finisahed 1975



Buzzards Bay 19

Built by Landing Boat School. Brand new sails. Call for more pictures.