Oar / Paddle

Northwest Passage

Plywood construction turns a corner in this new kayak.NORTHWEST PASSAGE has been designed to have all the features of the very best, multi-chine, touring kayak plans and kits on the market, plus a true round bilge without the hassle of building a strip planked hull. She tracks straight as an arrow, and turns with a gentle lean.   This 16’-2” boat is cut from 3 sheets of 4 mm marine grade (BS 1088) plywood and assembled on a simple mold.  Material costs about $450 and she takes about 120 hours to build.  Not for the first-time builder.  More details, lines and pictures at: www.sageboats.com/stock/np.html

From the Community

Register of Wooden Boats

Register of Wooden Boats


THE SHEIK received trophies for Best Race Boat and the Judges’ Choice award at the ACBS Chesapeak

Register of Wooden Boats


Wianno Senior sail # 168 finisahed 1975



Buzzards Bay 19

Built by Landing Boat School. Brand new sails. Call for more pictures.